Im getting some conflicting data on the proper operation for Class AB linear amplifier using a circuit very similar in a many respects to the NXP 27MHz Reference circuit for the MRFX1K80H as shown on Page 6 - 10 in its datasheet
Currently I see in the datasheet that 200mA is all the DC Bias required, Iq (A+B) = 200mA, but is that for Class C operation?? There are other forums that say for best Class AB performance from this NXP device, you need 1 to 1.5Amp total Bias Current ( Iq (A+B) = ~ 1.5 A )
Vdd= 57.0 Vdc
P-in = 3 W, CW/SSB
Po = 1200W
Please help shed light . This is for an 3 - 30 MHz Linear HF Amplifier application. Thank you
Dan K
MRFX1K80H class AB amplifier would have flat gain curve and low IMD at ~ 2A quiescent current.
Hope this helps.
Agreed that IMD would be low and have flat gain curve, but, there doesn't seem to be a lot of performance gain from say running it at 1.5A vs 2.0A. In fact the device would run a bit cooler with the slightly lower quiescent current, yes??