I have an external S32G2 controller connected to the SJA1110. The program running in SJA1110 is a sample project "switch_config_s32g_vnp_rdb" on S32DS. The firmware "sja1110_uc.bin" for SJA1110 is loaded into sja1110 via SPI HOST.
Now I want to dynamically modify the configuration of SJA1110. I would like to confirm the following questions:
1.Is the SJA1110 register dynamically modified via the SPI_AP?
2.Since I only loaded the firmware "sja1110_uc.bin" of sja1110, I did not load the configuration file "sja1110_switch.bin". Refer to the 5.6 summary in the UM11107.pdf, can I modify the register directly?
1) yes, it can be. The SPI_AP controller offers a memory-mapped IO access into the device which allows
to control switch and some peripherals from an external microcontroller.
2) yes, you can. The “sja1110_uc.bin” is the firmware to be executed by the internal micro. When using the examples from the S32DS, the static configuration for the switch core in “sja1110_switch.bin” and “sja1110_uc.bin” is the same. So generally you don’t need the sja1110_switch.bin but only provide the sja1110_uc.bin.
BR, Petr