We are using the SC18IM700 in our design.
We have detected that the TX-line shows some artifacts during the rising and the falling slope.
What is the reason for these artifacts?
Is the output driver that weak?
There is an external 10kOhm pull-up resistor in the TX-line.
I don't think that this resistor causes the artifacts.
I also couldn't find any electrical specification of the TX-line output in the datasheet.
Can anybody provide the electrical specification and detailed information about the electrical output circuit (open-drain, push-pull, etc)?
Hello Benjamin,
The pull-up at the TX line could slightly prolong the signal’s fall time. Have you considered to remove or decrease the pull-up resistor?
If you remove the resistor, does the signal behave correctly? Could you please share your results?
We have found the reason for the artifacts: We were using a bidirectional level-shifter IC for the TX and RX lines. This level shifter doesn't work properly with slow slopes resp. open-drain circuits. We have replaced this IC with direction controlled buffers. All is good now.