The PTN5100 data sheet doesn't really describe the cc_ctrl1 input fully and is listed as an analog input. Some of the use cases show it connected to ground and others don't show it at all. I'm interested in the "8.1.6 USB PD Consumer with Type-C receptacle example". Should cc_ctrl1 be tied to ground? Or left floating? Or?
Thanks Tomas for your reply!
Could you be a bit more specific about whether the pin should be directly connected to GND or trough a pull-down? What value should be used in the latter case if we want to make the chip expose itself as UFP power sink in a dead battery condition?
We're also wondering how this pin relates to the configuration that's stored in the NVM. If MTP bits are programmed to make the chip default to DFP on POR, how does the CC_CTRL1 pin affect the behavior? There's also no hint in either the datasheet or the programming guide about how the NVM can be written at runtime in order to change the POR behavior. How's that done?
Hello Denis,