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I am making a custom board with the NTP5332 IC and the A7341 Color sensor IC which communicates via I2C.
As advertised in the NXP website, the NTP5332 IC can receive sensor data via I2C without the need for a microcontroller. I am not considering using a microcontroller since I will be using power harvesting mode of NTP5332 and I don't know if it would be enough to power up a microcontroller.
So my questions are:
1. How to configure the NTP5332 so that it knows the I2C address of my sensor?
2. And will the IC be able to transfer this data and show it in the NDEF format in a phone? How do I do that?
I have heard that there are android applications by NXP to control the NTAG 5 LINK, but will that work with a bare NTP5332 chip?
It would be great if you could provide detailed answers since I am very new to this.

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FYI. NTAG 5 link - I2C master mode
and the RM00221 : Search | NXP Semiconductors.
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In the I2C master mode it is said that the NTAG 5 needs to be powered by VCC. But I do not want to use a battery. I want to power the whole circuit using the power harvested from NFC. In that case, will I not be able to use the NTAG 5 to power the whole circuit via power harvesting as well as act as the I2C master at the same time?
Is there a workaround?

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Do you see the example 5 in NTAG 5 link - I2C master mode? Is it meet your requirement?
And the Application Note NTAG 5 - How to use energy harvesting is here. NTAG 5 - How to use energy harvesting