Use WCT1012 mcu spi2(GPIOC6/7/8/9) function, How to configure the spi drive? I usually configured the gpio clock,That is my SPI_Init function below:
void SPI_Init(void)
QSPI0_SPDSR = 0x0027U;//推挽 Tx RX CS软件输入 8bit传输
QSPI0_SPSCR = 0x82E0U;//32div MSB SlaveMode SCLK空闲高 第二个边沿发送 SPI使能 receiver interrupt
QSPI0_SPCTL2 = 0x01U;//开启hold off
QSPI0_SPDTR = 0xff; //默认发送0xff
Now my probelm is that function can not enter the SPI ISR。
Hi, Hank,
First of all, you have to enable the SPI0 gated clock with the line before you write SPI0 regs:
you have to configure the pins as SPI0, it appears that you use GPIOC7/8/9/10 pins as SPIO0.
1)set the pins as SPIO0
2)assign the pins as SPIO0:
SIM_GPSCL&=~(0xC000); //clear C7
Configure GPIO C7
00 Function = SS0_B; Peripheral = SPI0; Direction = IO
01 Function = TXD0; Peripheral = SCI0; Direction = IO
10 Function = XBIN_8; Peripheral = XBARA; Direction = IO
11 Reserved
5–4 C10
Configure GPIO C10
00 Function = MOSI0; Peripheral = SPI0; Direction = IO
01 Function = XB_IN5; Peripheral = XBAR; Direction = IN
10 Function = MISO0; Peripheral = SPI0; Direction = IO
11 Function = XB_OUT9; Peripheral = XBAR; Direction = IN
3–2 C9
Configure GPIO C9
00 Function = SCLK0; Peripheral = SPI0; Direction = IO
01 Function = XB_IN4; Peripheral = XBAR; Direction = IN
10 Function = TXD0; Peripheral = SCI0; Direction = IO
11 Function = XB_OUT8; Peripheral = XBAR; Direction = IN
1–0 C8
Configure GPIO C8
00 Function = MISO0; Peripheral = SPI0; Direction = IO
01 Function = RXD0; Peripheral = SCI0; Direction = IN
10 Function = XB_IN9; Peripheral = XBAR; Direction = IN
11 Function = XB_OUT6; Peripheral = XBAR; Direction = OUT
Hope it can help you
XiangJun Rong
Thanks for your answer,I have configured the GPIO, Now it works