I am currently testing the circuit board where imx6d is located, but although the timer program is written in C language, I have written a lot of flags and so on, but it has no effect. I would like to ask if there is any research on imx6d, so I can exchange it. Thank you!
请问你这里是自己做的板子吗?是否是参考NXP 开发板做的板子?如果是自己做的板子的话,你需要做BSP的移植, 不知道你要使用Linux 还是adroid 版本的BSP, 建议你参考我们官网提供的移植文档进行移植。
嗯嗯,我是自己做的板子,然后,在板子上用到MCIMX6D7CVT08AE与FPGA两块芯片,目前是想写一个定时器LED闪烁的测试程序在IAR FOR ARM8.10中,win10系统中进行上述操作,希望能得到您的技术支持。谢谢