我使用JN-AN-1244,SDK:SDK_2.x_K21W061DK6,烧入开发板OM15081,使用串口进行烧录,无论使用DK6Programmer.exe -V 2 -P 1000000 -s COMxx -e 进行擦除,还是使用 DK6Programmer.exe -V2 -P 1000000 -s COM21 -p XXXX.bin 进行烧录,还是使用JN51xxProgramer工具烧录,如果之前加入网关,则烧录后 调试信息 Zll recovered state ff,不能得到初始化的值,请问这个是为什么? 在JN5169相同的灯的例程则没有,请问如何解决这个问题
Hi @aaronye,
I am not sure if I am following your issue.
Is it possible that you could submit your question in English?
Do you have a capture of the issue that you are facing?
I use the routine JN-AN-1244,SDK:SDK_2.x_K21W061DK6(zigbee) to demo,I find some problem.The operation is as follows:
1. device joined zigbee network;
2. burn program to OM15081 with command DK6Programmer.exe -V 2 -P 1000000 -s COMxx -e and DK6Programmer.exe -V2 -P 1000000 -s COM21 -p XXXX.bin;
3. power on;
I find debug information: Zll recovered state ff, is not init value, the zigbee network is not erase( NV is not ), I use JN51xxProgramer.exe(I use JN5169 burn program tool) or call off-grid function to leave network, but get the same result, How to solve this problem
Hi @aaronye,
Is it possible that you could use the next tool for the K32W Device?
The exe file is included in the SDK folder.
"\K32W061DK6\tools\JN-SW-4407-DK6-Flash-Programmer\JN-SW-4407 DK6 Production Flash Programmer v2282.exe"
You will find also the documentation to program your device.
Please let me know if you still have the same issue.
I install JN-SW-4407 DK6 Production Flash Programmer v2282.exe,and use DK6Programmer.exe to burn.But I have a question, why can't the network information be cleared even when I call the exit function in Demo?
我使用JN-AN-1244,SDK:SDK_2.x_K21W061DK6,烧入开发板OM15081,使用串口进行烧录,无论使用DK6Programmer.exe -V 2 -P 1000000 -s COMxx -e 进行擦除,还是使用 DK6Programmer.exe -V2 -P 1000000 -s COM21 -p XXXX.bin 进行烧录,还是使用JN51xxProgramer工具烧录,还是调用程序离网的函数,如果之前加入网关,则烧录后 调试信息 Zll recovered state ff,不能得到初始化的值,请问这个是为什么? 在JN5169相同的灯的例程则没有,请问如何解决这个问题