NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx - version 1.4.0

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NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx - version 1.4.0

NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx - version 1.4.0


Product Release Announcement

Automotive Processing

NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox

for S32K3xx – version 1.4.0 RFP



The Automotive Processing, Model-Based Design Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors, is pleased to announce the release of the Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx version 1.4.0. This release supports automatic code generation for S32K3xx peripherals and applications prototyping from MATLAB/Simulink for NXP S32K3xx Automotive Microprocessors. This new product adds support for S32K310, S32K311, S32K312, S32K314, S32K322, S32K324, S32K328, S32K338, S32K341, S32K342, S32K344, S32K348, S32K358 and S32K396 MCUs and part of their peripherals, based on RTD MCAL components (ADC, PWM, MCL, DIO, CAN, SPI, UART, LIN, GPT). To enable BMS applications development, the toolbox offers support for MC33775A and MC33772C battery cell controllers (& MC33665PHY). In this release, we have also updated RTD, AMMCLib, and MATLAB support for the latest versions. The product comes with over 120 examples, covering everything that is supported, including demos for battery cell controllers (BCC) and motor control.


Target audience:

This product is part of the Automotive SW – S32K3 Standard Software Package.


FlexNet Location:



Technical Support:

NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx issues will be tracked through the NXP Model-Based Design Tools Community space.



Release Content

  • Automatic C code generation from MATLAB® for NXP S32K3xx derivatives:
    • S32K310
    • S32K311
    • S32K312
    • S32K314
    • S32K322
    • S32K324
    • S32K328
    • S32K338
    • S32K341
    • S32K342
    • S32K344
    • S32K348
    • S32K358
    • S32K396


  • Support for the following peripherals (MCAL components):
    • ADC
    • PWM
    • MCL
    • LIN
    • CAN
    • SPI
    • UART
    • GPT
    • DIO


  • Board initialization:

The Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx generates the component’s peripherals initialization function calls as configured in the Board Initialization window. The toolbox provides a default configuration including function calls for initializing the clocks, followed by pins and a custom order for the rest of the peripherals which have been configured in the project associated to the model. Moreover, the toolbox provides the option to save and export the initialization sequence to a file which can be later used for other models as well – in this way, the customization of the board initialization sequence can be done only once, even if applicable for other models as well. Such a file can be then imported as an external Board Initialization Template.



  • Custom Linker Files and Startup Code:

The toolbox allows the selection of custom linker files and startup code to be used during the build process. By enabling the Use Custom Linker or/and Use Custom Startup Code checkboxes, this feature is activated, allowing the users to Browse for specific files.



  • Support for Referenced Configurations

The Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K3xx enables the usage of Referenced Configurations, a Simulink feature which allows users to share the configuration of an application with multiple models.



  • Support for MC33775A and MC33772C battery cell controllers & MC33665PHY

The toolbox provides support for the MC33775A, MC33772C, and MC33665. The MC33775A and MC33772C are lithium-ion battery cell controller ICs designed for automotive applications which perform ADC conversions of the differential cell voltages and battery temperatures, while the MC33665 is a transceiver physical layer transformer driver, designed to interface the microcontroller with the battery cell controllers through a high-speed isolated communication network. The ready-to-run examples provided with the MBDT for S32K3 show how to communicate between the S32K344 and the MC33775A and MC33772C via the MC33665 transceiver. For the MC33775A, the examples show how to configure the battery cell controller to perform Primary and Secondary chains conversion, and read the cell voltages conversion results from the MC33775A, while for the MC33772C the examples show how to configure the Battery cell controller to read current. All the converted values are displayed to the user over the FreeMaster application.





  • Support for AUTOSAR blockset (SW-C deployment)
  • New RTD version supported  (3.0.0)
  • Provides 2 modes of operation:
    • Basic – using pre-configured configurations for peripherals; useful for quick hardware evaluation and testing
    • Advanced – using S32 Configuration Tools or EB Tresos to configure peripherals/pins/clocks
  • Integrates the Automotive Math and Motor Control Library release 1.1.32:

All functions in the Automotive Math and Motor Control Functions Library v1.1.32 are supported as blocks for simulation and embedded target code generation.



  • FreeMASTER Integration

We provide several Simulink example models and associated FreeMASTER projects to demonstrate how our toolbox interacts with the real-time data visualization tool and how it can be used for tuning embedded software applications.



  • Support for MATLAB versions

We added support for the following MATLAB versions:

  • R2021a
  • R2021b
  • R2022a
  • R2022b
  • R2023a


  • S32Design Studio Integration

We provide a simple mechanism for the users to export the code generated from Simulink and import it directly into S32Design Studio. This functionality can be useful if the model needs to be integrated into an already existing project or for debugging purposes.



  • Support for custom default project configuration

The toolbox provides support for users to create their custom default project configurations. This could be very useful when having a custom board design – only needing to create the configuration for it once. After it is saved as a custom default project, it can be used for every model that is being developed.



  • Support for component restore to default settings

The toolbox allows users to restore the configuration of a component (for models which use the EB Tresos configuration tool) to the settings corresponding to the Default Configuration Template the model uses. This allows reverting changes (if made) to the default values.



  • Simulation modes:

We provide support for the following simulation modes (each of them being useful for validation and verification):

  • Software-in-Loop (SIL)
  • Processor-in-Loop (PIL)
  • External mode




  • Examples for every peripheral/function supported:

We have added over 120 examples, including:

    • Battery Management Systems examples
    • Motor control applications (including eTPU example on S32K396)
    • Communication (LIN, SPI, CAN, UART)
    • AMMCLib
    • Timer control (GPT)
    • DIO
    • FreeMASTER
    • SIL / PIL / External mode

For more details, features, and how to use the new functionalities, please refer to the Release Notes document attached.

MATLAB® Integration

The NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox extends the MATLAB® and Simulink® experience by allowing customers to evaluate and use NXP’s S32K3xx MCUs and evaluation board solutions out-of-the-box with:




Target Audience

This release (1.4.0) is intended for technology demonstration, evaluation purposes, and prototyping S32K3xx MCUs and Evaluation Boards.


Useful Resources

Examples, Trainings, and Support: https://community.nxp.com/community/mbdt







‎05-30-2023 01:09 AM