Live V2X Demonstration

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Live V2X Demonstration

Live V2X Demonstration

Connecting the Streets of Austin with Live V2X Demonstration – NXP FTF 2016

“Together with Siemens and Electric Cab of Austin NXP is showing how V2X and other connected technologies are going to change the face of our cities as we know them – making them more efficient, cleaner and less congested”

Roadworks ahead.jpg

Emergency Vehicle Approaching.jpg

Demo / product features

V2X technology warns drivers of traffic hazards, increasing the safety for the driver, while taking people or objects into account, essentially “seeing around corners”.

V2X technology warns drivers of traffic hazards even one mile ahead, increasing the safety for the driver, while taking people or objects into account, essentially “seeing around corners”.

The strength of V2X comes from its ability to take control of traffic. V2X technology helps make roads safer and eases traffic by warning drivers and presenting alternatives when problems occur. For example, when only one lane is open, the V2X system controls on-coming vehicles with traffic lights to safely share the single lane. V2X will also advise drivers on optimal speed to pass the traffic light during a green phase and the remaining time of the green signal. V2X-enabled traffic lights detect pedestrians, cyclists and other vulnerable road users and signal for crossing vehicles to stop to allow the pedestrians to cross

  • Transparent truck with IoT truck
  • V2X – V2V
  • Drone-to-car communication
  • Emergency vehicle approaching
  • Security – hacker use case
  • Pedestrian crossing
  • Real-time camera video streaming over 802.11p from IoT truck
  • Vulnerable road user detection based on RFID tags and broadcast VRU warning via V2X

NXP Recommends

  • V2X comms
  • RoadLink Chipset
  • RF Transceiver (TEF5x00)
  • Baseband IC (SAF5x00)
  • Security IC (SXF1700)
  • Dolphin 77GHz Radar Chip
  • Ethernet Switch


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Version history
Last update:
‎04-05-2016 12:40 PM
Updated by:
NXP Employee