Hi! I'm working with the EVB PNEV7462B.
I'm trying to run in debug mode the phExMain code. When it goes in debug mode, in the first function call phFlashBoot_Main(), it keeps lock up.
Going a little deeper, it stuck in this function:
gpkphCfg_EE_Ctrl_VerInfo->major = 27
Of course it won't run. My question is: Is this a EEPROM/Flash update problem or something else?
If so, how can I update it? I tryed to follow the steps in the UM10883, but I couldn't make it.
I'm also using the LPC-Link 2, with LPC4370 uC.
Just changed the PH_FLASHBOOT_SUPPORTED_EEPROM_VERISON_MAJOR to 27 and it worked!
That could lead to future problems?
first, yes, it can lead to major issues. That is why there is this if judgement. Same as the application the EEPROM evolves also over time and some things might change, be added or deleted which makes it incompatible with previous versions.
If you use our PSP the firmware should match the eeprom. In case you didn't update the EEPROM yet I strongly recommend to do so. For this please have a look into the User Manual UM10948 'EEPROM Management of PN746X and PN736X'.
Best regards,
Alexander Baar
Thanks! It worked. I followed the exact steps of the UM10948, chapter 6. Update EEPROM over SWD as you said.
Glad to hear it worked :-)!
Greetings, Alex