I tried the "RC633_ISO15693_Inventory.jcf" file from the RC52xPcSerial. I'm currently trying to implement the same command set in my own code.
In PcSerial there is a help section where all the commands are explainded, but sadly the "JNM" is not explained.
In the script there is the follwoing
::: L_WaitTransceiveFinished
GR 07 // Response: 60
JNM IOR 40 40 L_WaitTransceiveFinished
Im guessing this is a loop function to wait for a specific event, probably for GR07 to be 60.
Has someone an explanation what exactly the command does?
JNM IOR 40 40 L_WaitTransceiveFinished
Hi Jonathan,
Please refer to the following for details.
} while ((ior & 0x40) != 0x40);
Hope that makes sense,
Best Regards,