Hi there, I met a trouble, when I was porting to Android 13 with MT8390, the NfcService was continually restart due to watch dog time out. Please check the attached for details information.
I was analyzing by myself as below:
In packages/apps/Nfc/nci/jni/NativeNfcManager.cpp - void startRfDiscovery(bool isStart) { - sNfaEnableDisablePollingEvent.wait(); // wait for NFA_RF_DISCOVERY_xxxx_EVT
Due to the host initialize discovery procedure, but never receive the acknowledge then case NfcService' WatchDog timeout.
In system/nfc/src/nfa/dm/nfa_dm_discover.cc - static void nfa_dm_disc_sm_idle(tNFA_DM_RF_DISC_SM_EVENT event, tNFA_DM_RF_DISC_DATA* p_data) { - case NFA_DM_RF_DISCOVER_RSP:
p_data->nfc_discover.status equals to NFC_STATUS_REJECTED, as is Discovery was be Rejected, please help to analyze the root cause of this, or I need to anything config in my conf.zip attachment?
After that, I see deactivate procedure is up, but why it will cause NfcService restart ?