Hi, I am working on bringing up a PN7150 to use with DESFire EV1/EV2 cards. I am setting up a simple configuration (let me know if you need details) and running a loop every second to check the INT line and read in data if the line is set. When I continuously hold a DESFire card to the NFC, the card will be found successfully ~40% of the time and I will read a RF_INTF_ACTIVATED_NTF successfully. The other ~60% of the time when I read the PN7150 I am seeing a CORE_GENERIC_ERROR_NTF with status DISCOVERY_TARGET_ACTIVATION_FAILED (A1). My question is, does this hint at more of a HW problem that needs fixing? Or does this sound like something wrong with how the PN7150 is configured, or the DH interaction with it. Thanks
Please accept my apologies, but currently DESfire is not supported in the current Library.
Thank you for your comprehension.