hey guys,
Im looking for read-only secure NFC product options. My requirements are:
I have currently shortlisted
1. MIFARE DESFire Light.
2. MiFare Ultralight AES.
However, I want to know if there are cheaper alternatives for my requirements.
Current plan is to use MIFARE DESFire Light's communication encryption and shared key based access control to store unique id of the card in a key protected memory area. The rest of the data will not be in the key protected memory area so people will be able to read it. Since I will maintain a database of the hash of all the data on the card, if some one alters the unprotected memory area then I will be able to identify that. I think I might be able to optimize the approach further. At a high level MIFARE DESFire Light looks like a fit. What I dont know is, is MIFARE DESFire Light an overkill and are there cheaper options?
Vault-IC 292 and NTAG 424 DNA / 424 DNA TagTamper look to be promising but don't know much about them.
You can use the product selector tool to compare the differences.
For Mifare Desfire Light, the applications are mentioned below.
For NTAG 424 NDA, the applications include
You can refer to the datasheet for more details.