i want to use 2x CLRC663 to make my own wireless data transfer.
I understand that SIGOUT can output RX_active signal and SIGIN can be used for external signal:
I program the CLEV6630ARD evaluation board registers with my external MCU over SPI and i could measure the NFC Modulation on the TX Pins. I have a Pulse generator connected to SIGIN and at SIGOUT i am watching the RX_active signal.
I am expecting to have the same pulse signal on SIGOUT that i have on SIGIN, but that is not the case.
Am i missing something or RX_active is not the real analog output from the DEMODULATOR?
Best regards,
How did you configured the following registers?
Are you checking the output provided by the SigOutSel ?
Regards ,
Hi Estephania,
here is how i wrote the registers:
1- Is it possible to use only the analog side of CLRC663? Using the Analog TX and Analog RX with my own coding on external MCU?
Best regards,
Do you mean something like this application note?
You can try to implement it like what it is mentioned in that application note.
Hope it helps.
Hi Estephania,
the application only shows how to write the registers and that is what i already have done.
i want to use the Analog Front End from the CLRC663 and bypass the digital part using the internal multiplexer, is this possible?
Because the active RX output is not what i expected.
Here is a diagram showing the way i would like to use the CLRC663:
Best regards,
Sorry, the implementation you want to achieve it's not supported.
Sorry for the inconveniences this might cause you .