I am using MIMX1024-EVK with FRDM-MC-LVPMSM board. I am trying to run the PMSM demo project. Communication between the PC and EVK is working but when I drag and drop the .pmp file from the MCUxpersso IDE v11.4.1 to Freemaster 3.1 I am receiving the below error message. Could you please help me with this error?
Thank you in advance.
When I select Yes, below error message showing:
Hi Krish403,
This error message is caused by an MCAT (motor control html+js script running in FreeMASTER). We are trying but can't reproduce your issue, trying various clicking in MCAT. Could you please describe the sequence how to reproduce the issue? Which buttons do you click in MCAT or does the message appear right after starting the FreeMASTER communication (gree GO button)?
Thank you for more information,
Hi, thank you for the response. Somehow, I have resolved from the previous mentioned error. But now I am receiving new errors. I am following the below process to run the demo mc_pmsm SDK project.
Could you please help me with this issue?
Please let me know if you need more information.
Thank you very much.
Hi Krish,
I have several points:
Let me know your comments,
Thank you,
Hi, thank you for the response.
I am using LINIX motor( part number: 45ZWN24-40). Assuming I can use the LINIX motor without changing any motor parameters.
I have followed the process as you mentioned (GO button). After that window popped up.
Here I have selected symbol file from the evkmimxrt1024_mc_pmsm_1 > Debug > evkmimxrt1024_mc_pmsm_1.axf.
File format: Binary ELF with DWARF2/DWARF4 dbg format. Please correct me if I am wrong.
After this I am dragging the .pmp file to freemaster. Here is the fault number: 4
Fault is not disappeared when I press CLEAR FAULT.
Please let me know your comments.
Thank you so much.
I was able to spin the motor in scalar control mode. But I am unable to spin it in Speed FOC, Voltage and Current FOC modes. I am trying to find the solution.
Meanwhile, I have some questions, could you please help me?
Thank you.
Hi Krish,
Comments to your previous issues:
Your questions:
Good luck!
Thank you,
Hello Josef,
Thank you so much for answering my questions.
Debug+FreeMASTER at the same time: For 1024EVK, I am using the J23 USB port for debugging and FreeMaster. But When I was trying to connect FreeMaster while using IDE it is showing the below error:
Is there any demo code for BLDC motor with halls and encoder feedback for RT 1024 EVK? If so, where can I get the code?
Thanks a lot!
Thank you for your report. I'm moving this topic to the Motor Control forum.