i am unable to understand what the PortPin id is all about and the way it is numbered.
Please clarify and suggest some step by step configuration manual from scratch to build a basic model for s32k312
Hi, @paul_ephraim_13
As I explained in the previous post, the number chosen for the PortPin Id section can be chosen randomly, but within the range of the number of configured pins: if you have 5 configured pins, IDs can be randomly chosen between 1-5, i.e. you can have either 1 2 3 4 5 or 3 2 4 1 5, it doesn't matter. As long as the IDs are in the range of configured pins, everything will work correctly. If, for example, you will put ID 6 to one of the pins, you will encounter the initial problem you had, due to you can't have the value of the PortPin Id greater than the number of defined pins.
In the configuration of the pins, this ID is just a symbolic number, which you can interpret as an index of the pins. What is important in configuring the pins is the PortPin Mscr, which is chosen based on the board's hardware schematic.
I hope this clears up your confusion.
Best regards,