Why the DSPI can not received the data ?
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I configure the DSPI block ,and Connect pins (C4 to A5 ). Connect pins (C7 to A7 ).Connect pins (C6 to A8).Connect pins (C5 to A6),i wanna use the can block to send out the data that DSPI received ,But there is not anything! and i used the scope to view the pin of the DSPI_out,and has not the data,too!
The attachment is my Model. Can you help me slove it?
Can you send me a exzample about The DSPI model? the crystal oscillator of my board is 8MHZ .
and i test my CAN block that is right!
Original Attachment has been moved to: DSPI_can_simple_bloc.mdl.zip
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Hi ,
I'm out of office until August 21st without access to Matlab/Toolboxes/Boards.
As far as i know there is an example about DPI in the toolbox itself. Have you tried that one ?
I'll ask one of my colleagues to have a look over your model.
Best regards,
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Thank you daniel, I am waiting for your reply
BTW,i wanna configure the SCLK to 16MHz.
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Hi ,
I took a better look at this example and it seems that even though the master sends the data correctly, the slave fails to receive it (it doesn't fill the slave buffer with the corect data); then the slave sends the data correctly back to the master (but data is '0x00' because that is slave's buffer state at that time). I can't seem to find out why this is happening, as the signal and timing that goes Master - > Slave is good (seen with a digital analyzer), but i can offer you a quickfix/workaround so you can continue your work: switch DSPI0 with DSPI1 - put DSPI0 as slave and DSPI1 as master (and be careful to replace the other blocks also - ISR, Transmit, Receive, Receive Trigger).
I attached here a working DSPI example model that works so you can start building your application from it. I also attached a photo capturing the signal of an exchange between master and slave so you know what to expect from the model from the get-go.
Hope this is helpful ! Let me know if you have other problems.
Best regards,