What is the correct CAN initialisation blocks in Toolbox 4.3.0?

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What is the correct CAN initialisation blocks in Toolbox 4.3.0?

Contributor V

Hi all,


So I am converting my from toolbox 4.2.0 to 4.3.0. I have noticed that the CAN blocks have had a revamp since finidng the reconfiguring issue in 4.2.0.


What is the correct block to use in the init block now? In this image the left side box was the exsisting one, do I still use this and set Initialization to 'once' or do I use the MB config on the right side and use the left receive block inside the Rx_ISR to clear the buffer with initialization set to 'none'?



Same with transmit, I guess I set the MB config (Didn't exist before) for these now in the init block. This is the init block I am talking about for reference:



Maybe @paulvlase knows a quick answer?


Thanks all, much appreciated!


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