By default the system clock frequency for kinetis KV10 MCU's is 75 MHz.
Could you please tell me if there is a possibility to configure the system clock frequency (use another value instead of 75) ? configuration with PLL for example ?
In FreeMaster, is it possible to have access to the system clock ? if yes, which variable i need to check?
Thanks in advance for your support
Hello m.benderradji@outlook.fr,
Unfortunately MBDT does not provide a way to configure the clocks registers or to check other variables related with it.
But, if your really need to change some settings in clocks, the code generated calls a function called mcg_kv10v_init which can be found in Kinetis\src\mctbx_kv10z\src\c_library\clc_init.c
For each and every time you generate code this file is copied into the generated code and the main function uses the mcg_kv10v_init to init the clock.
Even if you add here variables to edit them with the FreeMaster I think is useless because the clock it is initialized before your app is started. So the only way it is to modify the mcg_kv10v_init to fit your needs.
Hope this helps,