We have a MCSXTE2BK142 motor control evaluation board. We had been working with it by writing C code directly. We are interested to explore the Model Based design path. We read that this path is supported by NXP, however, we have not found any documentation regarding how to get started. From Matlab/Simulink we downloaded the NXP MBDT toolbox and we can see various examples for other targets and eval boards but not ours. Can someone point us to how to get started for our target? Perhaps there is a guide we can reference.
Ideally, to begin we would want to start with the standard NXP examples and see if they compile and run.
Thanks for any help
Thank you for pointing this out. We were looking in the other paths so we had not seen this. We will try this after we get through some internal IT restrictions for running the models.
Hello @michael_bauer
Can you please have a look at the following thread? https://community.nxp.com/t5/Model-Based-Design-Toolbox-MBDT/MCSXTE2BK142/m-p/1078629
In this thread, an S32K142 EVB is used as debugger tool. But you don't have to use an S32K142 if you have an external debugging probe. You shall flash the Srec Bootloader using the S32DS for Arm. After that, you can download directly the code from Simulink using the Serial method, using the RAppID bootloader from our model.
@adriantudor can help you more if needs be.
Hi @michael_bauer,
FYI - Some examples for MCSXTE2BK142 board came with my NXP MBDT installation. I don't know how to get to them via MATLAB Help (like I can get to examples for other targets), but I can see them in [MBDT_Root]\S32_Examples\s32k14x\mc\MCSXTE2BK142 folder. I am running MBDT version 4.2.0.