Daniel Chen posted a helpful guide at Introduction the BSP configuration file in MQX for Kinetis SDK on how to configure the various board and pin configuration files in KSDK, however, these files are generated by Processor Expert (PEx). How do i invoke PEx to modify these? Am I missing something?
Hi Cjlord:
The BSP componet in KSDK is generated by Processor Expert, you can change the BSP files in an existing KSDK project manully.
But you can't use PEx to change the BSP configuration files in an existing project, because maybe some KSDK project is not PE enabled.
If you want to invoke PE to new/modify these BSP files, you need to new a project, please check the following document for details
How To: Create an MQX RTOS for KSDK project with Processor Expert in Kinetis Design Studio IDE