I currently have Freescale_MQX_4_1 and I have tried to install patch MQX4.1.0.1 with the following problems:
C:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_1>patch -p1 --ignore-whitespace -i mqx_4.1.0.1.patc
patching file mqx/source/bsp/twrk70f120m/bsp_cm.c
Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [n] R
Apply anyway? [n] Y
Skipping patch.
6 out of 6 hunks ignored -- saving rejects to file mqx/source/bsp/twrk70f120m/bs
patching file rtcs/source/apps/ftpsrv_task.c
Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [n] Y
Apply anyway? [n] Y
Skipping patch.
1 out of 1 hunk ignored -- saving rejects to file rtcs/source/apps/ftpsrv_task.c
None of the patches are being updated