Hi all,
I am attempting to compile some MQX demo projects (specifically the web_hvac) for the FRDM-K64F. I am using IAR EWARM, and I see that there are workspaces included in the MQX files. I am new to both MQX and IAR EWARM, so I am not entirely sure what to do. I have compiled the projects in the build_libs workspace (C:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_1_FRDMK64F\build\frdmk64f\iar\build_libs.eww), but cannot download and debug (with IAR I-jet) them on the FRDM-K64F. Should I be debugging in another workspace?
Thanks for the help!
Hi Nick Clark
Before starting debugging, please choose Project->Optionis->Debugging->Setup and select the driver that matches your debugger system: simulator or a hardware debugging system. For your case, you can try I-jet.
I would suggest you read the document Getting Started with IAR , especially chapter Debugging. P45
The location is
Menu Help-->Getting Started with IAR Embedded Workbench