I've just installed MQX 3.7 and then attempted to install the Kwik Stick Patch for 3.7 (FSLMQXOS_3_7_0_KwikStik_Patch.exe).
This patch doesn't allow me or ask me where I want to install the patch. If I've got multiple installations of MQX on my Hard Drive, it's kind of Pot Luck which folder/Installation the patch install to. Is there a way to chose a directory/folder when installing this patch.
(As an aside - I'm currently download MQX 3.8 so I'm assuming/hoping I won't need to install the patch for 3.8 as I understand BSP support for Kwik Stick is included by default in the 3.8 download)
Hi BenG,
kwikstik is supported in MQX 3.8 . Any patch is not needed.
Back to the patch for 3.7. I assume it's bound to the MQX_ROOT , I'll let you know if otherwise.
3.8 Downloaded overnight so I'm goign to gave that a go today.