I´m running FFS NandFlash example proyect from MQX 4.1 using twrK60120 and the Demo reports the following problem (this is the output of the serial terminal):
This is the Flash File System example, type help for list of available commands
If this is the first time you use the demo, you should run "nanderasechip" command first.
Shell (build: May 21 2014)
Copyright (c) 2013 Freescale Semiconductor;
shell> nanderasechip
Erasing entire chip ...
Please use fsopen command to re-open NAND flash device.
shell> fsopen
assertion failed: logicalIndex < m_entryCount, file D:\Users\dcantero\Documents\
Electronica\MITO\Software\Freescale_MQX_4_1\ffs\source\wearleveling\ddi\common\page_order_map.cpp, line 169
Any idea about how to solve this issue?
since your log info is "logicalIndex < m_entryCount" , I suggest you print the variables.
Hi Daniel, thanks for your reply!!!
I did some tests after your answer and now everything goes well. I think the problem was that I have not installed MQX software in the "correct" path. A message about a TAD file have suddenly appeared and I have choose the file corresponding to K60. After that the demo have run like you described in the previous message!!
David Cantero
Hi David:
I run this demo in my side. it can work. this is the output of the terminal
shell> nanderasechip
Erasing entire chip ...
Please use fsopen command to re-open NAND flash device.
shell> fsopen
NOT A DOS DISK! You must format to continue.
shell> format a:
Done. Volume name is
Free disk space: 12136 kB
shell> fsopen
NAND flash device was opened.
Have a great day,