Apply External input source in ADC for TWRK60D100M

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Apply External input source in ADC for TWRK60D100M

Contributor III


I am working with TWRK60D100M.

In my project I want to apply external 12 ADC inputs. Currently I applied one external ADC input at J5 by Bi-passing Potentiometer.

Results are below.,

V_bat = 3.3v

Vin = 2.5v, Digital Output = 7067.

Vin = 0v , Digital Output = 32767

Vin = 3.3v,  Digital Output = 0

So from above result we make self Equation for Digital Output = (32767 - ((Vin * 32767)/V_bat)); is it ok..??

One more thing,

Now I want to apply another external ADC input but not find pin to apply input?

I read TWRK60D100M UserManuall in which  pin(A28) is configured as (  PGA0_DM/ADC0_DM0/ADC1_DM3 ) but I am not finding defination of ADC0_DM0 in my adc_mk60.h file?

So for ADC0_DM0 which sources (ex., ADC1_SOURCE_AD3, ADC1_SOURCE_AD0 , ADC1_SOURCE_ADPM0 etc)  I need to use?

Will anybody please elaborate what ADC input sources are indicated by ADC0_DM0, ADC1_DM3, ADC1_DP0, ADC0_DP3 pins in TWRK60D100M User Manual..


Garima Parashar

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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Garima,

Yes it is ok, in your case Output = (32767 - ((Vin * 32767)/V_bat)).

Regarding the inputs, you can find the pin definition in the init_gpio.c file located at the path: C:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_2\mqx\source\bsp\twrk60d100m

Please check the below function:



* Function Name    : _bsp_adc_channel_io_init

* Returned Value  : 0 for success, -1 for failure

* Comments        :

*    This function performs BSP-specific initialization related to ADC channel



_mqx_int _bsp_adc_channel_io_init


    /* [IN] number of channel on which to perform hardware initialization */

    uint16_t  source



    uint8_t ch = ADC_GET_CHANNEL(source);

    uint8_t gpio_port;

    PORT_MemMapPtr pctl = NULL;

    #define ADC_SIG_PORTA  (0x01 << 5)

    #define ADC_SIG_PORTB  (0x02 << 5)

    #define ADC_SIG_PORTC  (0x03 << 5)

    #define ADC_SIG_PORTD  (0x04 << 5)

    #define ADC_SIG_PORTE  (0x05 << 5)

    #define ADC_SIG_NA      (0x00) /* signal not available */

    #define ADC_SIG_NC      (0x01) /* signal not configurable */

    /* Conversion table for ADC0x inputs, where x is 0 to 23, mux is defaultly "B" */

    const static uint8_t adc0_conv_table[] = {

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 0 leave as default */

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 1 leave as default */

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 2 leave as default */

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 3 leave as default */

        ADC_SIG_PORTC | 2, /* 4b */

        ADC_SIG_PORTD | 1, /* 5b */

        ADC_SIG_PORTD | 5, /* 6b */

        ADC_SIG_PORTD | 6, /* 7b */

        ADC_SIG_PORTB | 0, /* 8 */

        ADC_SIG_PORTB | 1, /* 9 */

        ADC_SIG_PORTA | 7, /* 10 */

        ADC_SIG_PORTA | 8, /* 11 */

        ADC_SIG_PORTB | 2, /* 12 */

        ADC_SIG_PORTB | 3, /* 13 */

        ADC_SIG_PORTC | 0, /* 14 */

        ADC_SIG_PORTC | 1, /* 15 */

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 16 conflict in K60 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 5, table and 10.3.1 */

        ADC_SIG_PORTE | 24, /* 17 */

        ADC_SIG_PORTE | 25, /* 18 */

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 19 ADC0_DM0, leave as default */

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 20 ADC0_DM1, leave as default */

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 21 conflict in K60 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 5, table and 10.3.1 */

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 22 conflict in K60 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 5, table and 10.3.1 */

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 23 DAC0, leave as default */

        ADC_SIG_NA, /* 24 not implemented */

        ADC_SIG_NA, /* 25 not implemented */

        /* below: use ADC_SIG_NC (leave as default) */


    /* Conversion table for ADC1x, where x is 0 to 23, mux is defaultly "B" (or nothing) */

    const static uint8_t adc1_conv_tableB[] = {

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 0 leave as default */

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 1 leave as default */

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 2 leave as default */

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 3 leave as default */

        ADC_SIG_PORTC | 8, /* 4b */

        ADC_SIG_PORTC | 9, /* 5b */

        ADC_SIG_PORTC | 10, /* 6b */

        ADC_SIG_PORTC | 11, /* 7b */

        ADC_SIG_PORTB | 0, /* 8 */

        ADC_SIG_PORTB | 1, /* 9 */

        ADC_SIG_PORTB | 4, /* 10 */

        ADC_SIG_PORTB | 5, /* 11 */

        ADC_SIG_PORTB | 6, /* 12 */

        ADC_SIG_PORTB | 7, /* 13 */

        ADC_SIG_PORTB | 10, /* 14 */

        ADC_SIG_PORTB | 11, /* 15 */

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 16 */

        ADC_SIG_PORTA | 17, /* 17 */

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 18 VREF, leave as default */

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 19 ADC1_DM0, leave as default */

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 20 ADC1_DM1, leave as default */

        ADC_SIG_NA, /* 21 not implemented */

        ADC_SIG_NA, /* 22 not implemented */

        ADC_SIG_NC, /* 23 DAC1, leave as default */

        ADC_SIG_NA, /* 24 not implemented */

        ADC_SIG_NA, /* 25 not implemented */

        /* below: use ADC_SIG_NC (leave as default) */


    /* Conversion table for ADC1x, where x is 4 to 7, mux is "A" */

    const static uint8_t adc1_conv_tableA[] = {

        ADC_SIG_PORTE | 0, /* 4a */

        ADC_SIG_PORTE | 1, /* 5a */

        ADC_SIG_PORTE | 2, /* 6a */

        ADC_SIG_PORTE | 3, /* 7a */


    if (ADC_GET_DIFF(source) && ch > 3)

        return IO_ERROR; /* signal not available */

    if (ADC_GET_DIFF(source) == 0 && ch == 2)

        return IO_ERROR; /* channel 2 (PGA) can be used only as a diff pair */

    if (ch < 26) {

        if (ADC_GET_MODULE(source) == ADC_SOURCE_MODULE(1)) {

            /* Get result for module 0 */

          gpio_port = adc0_conv_table[ch];


        else {

            if ((ADC_GET_MUXSEL(source) == ADC_SOURCE_MUXSEL_B) || (ADC_GET_MUXSEL(source) == ADC_SOURCE_MUXSEL_X))

            /* Get result for module 1, if user wants "B" channel or any channel */

                gpio_port = adc1_conv_tableB[ch];

            else {

                /* Get result for module 1, if user wants "A" channel or any other */

                if (ch < 4 || ch > 7)

                    gpio_port = ADC_SIG_NA;


                    gpio_port = adc1_conv_tableA[ch - 4];





        gpio_port = ADC_SIG_NC;

    if (gpio_port == ADC_SIG_NA)

        return IO_ERROR; /* signal not available */

    if (gpio_port == ADC_SIG_NC)

        return IO_OK; /* no need to configure signal */

    switch (gpio_port >> 5) {

        case 1: /* PORTA */

            pctl = (PORT_MemMapPtr) PORTA_BASE_PTR;


        case 2: /* PORTB */

            pctl = (PORT_MemMapPtr) PORTB_BASE_PTR;


        case 3: /* PORTC */

            pctl = (PORT_MemMapPtr) PORTC_BASE_PTR;


        case 4: /* PORTD */

            pctl = (PORT_MemMapPtr) PORTD_BASE_PTR;


        case 5: /* PORTE */

            pctl = (PORT_MemMapPtr) PORTE_BASE_PTR;


        /* There is no possibility to get other port from table */


    pctl->PCR[gpio_port & 0x1F] &= ~PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK; /* set pin's multiplexer to analog */

    return IO_OK;


Have a great day,

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