I am trying to run the code from :https://github.com/nanamiwang/openpilot/tree/flexray_bounty/flexray_adapter on my
mpc5748g, and when i try to use the debugger with putty or terterm as mentioned, i only get unreadable characters(attached picture), the baudrate seems to be right, i have tried to with other values also just in case but it didnt work.
I am using a Xchipi-X serial to usb adapter with a null modem adapter
i don't know what the problem is and i would appreciate any help.
which LINFlex module is used? LINFlex_2? This one is connected to OpenSDA interface which works also as virtual serial port via USB. You wrote that you use Xchipi-X serial to usb adapter, so there may be a conflict between these signals.
Thank you for your answer, in the code LINFLEX_4 was used with pins PA5 and PA6, but this didn't work, I have tried to use the LINFLEX_2 with OpenSDA interface and it worked, so i might guess that the problem is with the Xchipi-X serial to usb adapter.