I'm trying to use "emios_ic_mpc5748g" demo example available in S32 Design Studio. But it's not working.
When I input 'c', nothing is received.
Press 'c' to print duty value capture
The value capture :
so I change the code, the input signal frequency is 8kHz.but the return value is always 0.
Press 'c' to print duty value capture
The value capture : 0
The value capture : 0
I imported your example to the S32DS2.1, generated code, built and debug with DEVKIT (revD1). I connected PE10(J2.10) pin with PF11(J13.2). After running code it works normally.
BR, Petr
Hi, Petr
Thank you for your information. I reinstalled S32DS2.1 & S32DS_PA_2.1_UP14, generated code, built and debug with DEVKIT (rev BO). I connected PE10(J2.10) pin with PF11(J13.2). It still returned 0.
And I changed the eMIOS MC. eMIOS0 PA5 output 8kHz PWM and eMIOS PA6 configured as eMIOS_IC. I connected PA5 pin with PA6 pin. It can return 5000.
But I still have no idea why eMIOS1 don't work.
Press 'c' to print duty value capture
The value capture2 : 5000
The value capture2 : 5000
The value capture2 : 5000
The value capture2 : 5000
check SIUL MSCR registers if pins are really configured for eMIOS_1 channels. And measure with scope/analyzer if PWM is generated.
BR, Petr