The MPC5777M Data Sheet, Rev 6 defers to the "MPC5777M I/O Signal Description and Input Multiplexing Tables" spreadsheet in a note on Page 41 in section 3.7. When I open the data sheet with Acrobat Reader XI and click on the paperclip as instructed, there is no such attachment.
The MPC5777M Reference Manual, Rev 4 refers to this same document at several locations with similar instructions. Again, when I open the reference manual with Acrobat Reader XI and click on the paperclip as instructed, there is no such attachment.
The spreadsheet is critical for me to determine how to manage pin mapping for pin planning prior to schematic entry and circuit board layout.
Is the MPC5777M I/O Signal Description and Input Multiplexing Tables spreadsheet available as a separate file?
I downloaded the files directly from the documentation tab of NXP's product page for MPC5777M.
Is this correct source?
Should the pdf attachment be accessible with Adobe Reader XI?
Is there a different pdf viewer that I must use to view the spreadsheet?
Which pins are used for the BAF serial boot? On this spreadsheet I see both PA[10], PA[11] (Serial boot TX & RX) and PB[10], PB[9] (Serial boot RX & TX) advertised as the serial boot pins. Which of these responds for the BAF code?