When the controller was running , I touch the power chips to know the heating, then the MCU SP6C5668G suddenly not run . Later I find the flash can’t be erased by IC5000 and BDM, the software can’t be download, and the MCU also can't run upon power up again, but the external crystal(16M) is operating. How to do next?
could you please write me, if you use LQFP or BGA package? Also I need to know, if you have soldered the microcontroller or if you use socket.
It is also possible that you destroyed the microcontroller using static charge. At first, please measure reset line and in case reset line is always 0, microcontroller is destroyed. It is also possible that only some part of microcontroller is damaged and this could be the reason you are not able to connect.
I use BGA package, I have sodered the microcontroller.
The reset line is high, it is succesful to start external crystal(16M). It is strange.The software can't run in succession, Why ?
I am used to touch the power chips to know the heating. The SPC5606 is never destroyed. Is anti static charge performance from the microcontroller SPC5668G poor ?It is supplied by
The SPC5668G is supplied by step-down switch regulators.
if you are not able to connect and software does not run correctly, it really seems the microcontroller is damaged. It is difficult to tell, what happened, but if this problems had started after you touched the microcontroller, it points to static charge from my point of view.
Could you please try to switch another microcontroller and test, if the board works correct?