MPC5775K boundary scan problem

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MPC5775K boundary scan problem

993 次查看
Contributor I

I tried to start the boundary scan test on an SPC5775K micro (with mpc577xk_bga356 bsdl file), but the device doesn't communicate on the Test Access Port. In other bsdl files I see that there is a compliance enable pattern section, that specifies how to set the device into bsdl testing mode. In the actual bsdl file this section is empty. Could you please check if this information is missing from the bsdl file by mistake, or it is not needed? In the latter case how should I let the device know that it should receive commands on the Test Access Port?


This is the section from the bsdl file that I'm referring to:

-- Specifies the compliance enable patterns for the design. It lists a set of
-- design ports and the values that they should be set to, in order to enable
-- compliance to IEEE Std 1149.1

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


I'm not very familiar with BSDL files but I tested the file using Lauterbach debugger and it seems to be working. I'm able to sample the state of pins. So, this section is not needed, I think. I have checked also other BSDL files I have here and only some of them contains this section. If this section is present then it is related to JCOMP pin and to test pin.

For example:


   attribute COMPLIANCE_PATTERNS of jpc5607b_top_wrapper: entity is
        "(VPP_TEST) (0)";


    attribute COMPLIANCE_PATTERNS of COBRA55 : entity is


    attribute COMPLIANCE_PATTERNS of MPC5668 : entity is

MPC5643L - missing...

MPC5675K - missing...



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