Dear All,
I'm now working with MPC5775K. Could you please share me some example code of FlexRay module?
Thanks a lot !
Best regards,
Hi Ron,
unfortunately we do not have any Flexray example, but there are two possibilities. First one is AUTOSAR OS and Flexray MCAL driver.
AUTOSAR Software Solutions|NXP
Second one is driver from Vector.
Solutions for FlexRay Networking
But both drivers are under license.
That's so sad to hear that :smileyhappy:
We contacted Vector, their FlexRay driver is AUTOSAR flavored and also AUTOSAR licensed (which means: reserved to worldwide recognized actors of the automotive industry). In short, there is only one FlexRay implementation, and it is not open to other industries :smileysad:
If the situation changed since last year, we may still be interested in a vanilla implementation of the FlexRay stack, even non-free...