LIN slave support for MPC563xM

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LIN slave support for MPC563xM

2,730 次查看
Contributor II

Hi everybody,



I am developing a little LIN network with one master (LINAnlyzer by Vector Informatik) and one (or more) slave(s).

I need to develop slave node using mpc5634 Monaco, that contains native support and LIN fsm only for master node .

I also have a master node based on the same mcu (LIN TX/RX DMA controlled),

I am encountering a lot of problems, first of all I am not able to correctly receive an header if I do not trigger TX DMA channel connected to LIN_LTR register as first thing, i.e. if I sent an header I also receive correctly data hdr+response sent by LINAnlyzer(but it is an error, considering that slaves node simple receive header, handle it and, if required, sent a response on the LIN bus).

Has anyone worked on this before me?



Any suggestions would be very appreciated!!!



Thank you in advance,






Andrea Mocci



Embedded SW developer at Akhela s.r.l.


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1 解答
2,467 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Andrea,

eSCI hardware module's LIN FSM doesn't support LIN Slave node. There are no states in the eSCI FSM for slave node.

You should implement your own state machine for LIN slave node in software.

Physically you will connect eSCI Tx and Rx signals to a LIN bus transceiver, and use eSCI in SCI mode. LIN slave node state machine needs to be programmed by yourself. If you wish to use DMA, look in the Reference Manual for "DMA controlled SCI data frame transmission" and "DMA controlled SCI data frames reception".



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2 回复数
2,468 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Andrea,

eSCI hardware module's LIN FSM doesn't support LIN Slave node. There are no states in the eSCI FSM for slave node.

You should implement your own state machine for LIN slave node in software.

Physically you will connect eSCI Tx and Rx signals to a LIN bus transceiver, and use eSCI in SCI mode. LIN slave node state machine needs to be programmed by yourself. If you wish to use DMA, look in the Reference Manual for "DMA controlled SCI data frame transmission" and "DMA controlled SCI data frames reception".


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2,467 次查看
Contributor II

Hi Martin,

I know that Monaco support LIN master node with application/DMA controlled tx/rx, but I liked to think that I could use LIN transiever and DMA controlled TX/RX for simple LIN frame transmission/reception.

Well, I will go on using eSCI module (damn!!! :)..)

Thank you very much for the fastest response!

Best Regards,


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