I am studying basic examples (PTI, FlexCAN) of S32 SDK supporting MPC5748G.
Looking at the pit_periodic_interrupt_mpc5748G example, it seems that the interrupt vector is accessed through the IRQHandler function below.
void PIT_Ch0_IRQHandler(void)
PIT_DRV_ClearStatusFlags(INST_PIT1, pit1_ChnConfig0.hwChannel); /* Clear channel 0 interrupt flag */
Instead of the PIT_DRV_ClearStatusFlags function above, I want to check the interrupt operation with the if statement using the PIT_DRV_GetStatusFlags function.
For example, the HAL driver of the nucleo board checks the interrupt with the syntax below.
void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim)
if(htim->Instance == TIM6)
Is it the correct syntax to write in the format below like the interrupt syntax above?
void PIT_Ch0_IRQHandler(void)
if(PIT_DRV_GetStatusFlags(INST_PIT1, pit1_ChnConfig0.hwChannel) == pit1_ChnConfig0)
After declaring the PTI_Type structure
I don't know how to match the return value below using a structure.
retVal = (base->TIMER[channel].TFLG & PIT_TFLG_TIF_MASK);
return retVal;
PIT_DRV_ClearStatusFlags only returns 0 or 1, which is the value of PIT channel TFLG bit.
PIT channel is specified in function's second parameter.
BR, Petr