Example MPC5748G FlexCAN TX/RX FreeRTOS S32DS2.1
Detailed Description:
Example created as new Application project, see readme.txt for steps to do.
The purpose of this demo application is to show you the usage of the FlexCAN module
using the S32 SDK API and FreeRTOS.
In the first part, the application will setup the board clocks and pins.
Then it will configure the FlexCAN module features such as Bitrate and Message buffers
It will then create two FreeRTOS tasks, one for receiving frames and one for sending frames.
The two user buttons are used to send std message ID=0x1h with 1byte payload as 1 or 0.
Based on received std message with ID=0x2h to LEDs are toggled upon data0 byte.
Use external 12V to power a board.
Connect board with PCAN-USB to display send message and be able to receive some on DEVKIT
Test HW: DEVKIT-MPC5748G rev.D1
Maskset: 0N78S
Target : FLASH
Fsys: 160 MHz PLL
Debugger: S32DS