* Detailed Description:
* Initializes eQADC module, converts specified command queue and displays
* results into terminal window when EOQ is reached. Used analog inputs ANA_0 and
* ANA_1 requires external connection to converted voltage (potentiometer) to
* see some valid numbers. For simplicity, ADC module is not calibrated.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Test HW: XPC567XKIT516 - MPC5674ADAT516 Rev.C, MPC567XEVBFXMB Rev.B
* MCU: PPC5674FMVYA264
* Terminal: 19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control on eSCI_A
* Fsys: 264/200/150/60 MHz
* Debugger: Lauterbach Trace32
* Target: RAM, internal_FLASH
* EVB connection: Potentiometers --> ADC inputs
* USER_DEV_RV2(J4-7) --> ANA_0 (J18-3)
* USER_DEV_RV3(J4-8) --> ANA_1 (J18-4)