Example MPC5646C Standby Wakeup To SRAM CW210
This example enters the MCU into STANDBY0 low power mode and wakes up to backup SRAM.
The WKPU6 (PE[0]pin) is used to wake up the MCU.
* Detailed Description:
* On the EVB use KEY2 to enter Standby.
* Use KEY1 to wake up from Standby to a code in backup SRAM.
* In RUN mode the LED1 blinks very fast, second core toggels LED3
* In STANDBY all LEDs are off.
* The wakeup code blinks LED1 and LED2 slowly.
* The macro WKP_CORE is used to select which core is used after MCU wakes up.
* When z4 core is selected, it is also necessary to set the MMU otherwise exception
* is generated when uncovered memory area is accessed.
* This is not needed for z0 core due to lack of the MMU.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Test HW: XPC56xxMB2 + XPC564xB/C, SPC5646C 0N32E silicon
* Target : internal_FLASH
* Fsys: 120 MHz PLL0
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Hello,I am using MPC5646C board, but I have a problem that I can not communicate using FlexRay protocol. In other words. would you like to help me to supply FlexRay program in MPC5646C board. I have been always doing this work recently, but haven't any progress and I am in a hurry ! So would you like to help me? Hope to your response!
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- ブックマーク
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HI,I am using the board MPC5646c.I am facing a big problem that I want to achieve the filter of ID in CAN protocol.For example,I want to receive the frame of ID=5 ,at the same time ,I also want to receive the ID=6,So, the other ID should be masked.IF I want to achieve this goal,what should I do??Please help me ,hope your resoponse.!
- 既読としてマーク
- 新着としてマーク
- ブックマーク
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- 不適切なコンテンツを報告
I have the same question!!!!