For LPC family, I recommend you consider LPC5411x, which has I2S module and it is low cost.
The LPC550x is also recommended, it is low cost and can implement I2S protocol.
For Kinetis, pls consider the K32 family and KS family, all of them has SAI module.
Hope it can help you
XiangJun Rong
thanks! how about the new MCXA14
Pls refer to the website:
As you can see the block diagram, the current MCX-A14/A15 family does not have I2S module, in other words, it does not support I2S
Hope it can help you
XiangJun Rong
oh! totally missed that, strange limitation..! especially considering it having two LPSPI phy's running at 50MHz.
do you happen to know whats the reasoning behind it?
Hello dav1
The current released MCX A doesn't have PLL and no I2S.
So if you consider low cost device, we suggest LPC550x and other parts as Rong suggested above.
Jun Zhang