I'm trying to configure ENET interface in MII mode for MK64FX512VLQ12 controller.
There is no choice between RMII and MII. Why? How can I select MII?
kind regards,
Hi @CarlosGarabito ,
I have created new project, configured Ethernet pins for MII, added LwIP and then added an interface based od ENET using + button. I have tried to remove interface and add it again, but still only RMII option is visible.
Is the MII interface option emabled by some other settings, that must be correctly set? I.e. clock? Pins?
(MCUXpresso IDE v11.5.1 [Build 7266] [2022-04-13])
The Ethernet clocking option you can find it on RM Chapter were says: An externally-supplied 25 MHz MII clock or 50 MHz RMII clock. This clock is used as the timing reference for the external MII or RMII interface.
> This clock is used as the timing reference for the external MII or RMII interface.
OK, so what I need to configure to enable MII/RMII selection? For MII I don't need any external clock, only MII_TXCLK and MII_RXCLK from PHY to MAC. They are already configured and I still can't select MII.
I think my pins configuration is fine (and it was before). Please have a look.
Maybe you could create a project for this microcontroller with MII pins configured and then check if MII option is available for LwIP+ENET?
Thats right, in MCUXpress you can select the example
Go to config tool, modify
So, you can find it
And test it
Hi @TomaszOzon Could you explain the steps that you took to arrive at this point?