In our custom LPC54018 board in addition to the QSPI external flash chip from which the code runs, we added a simple normal SPI chip (SST25VF080B) for data logs and OTAP image transfers. In other designs that are already in production we use an SDCard but here we are limited in board footprint size. Our application code runs FreeRTOS but our custom bootloader does not. I was looking at the SDK examples and did not see any SPI Master examples for peripheral device. Instead there are master board to slave board examples. I see that their are CMSIS, FreeRTOS & "normal" examples.
Are there any SPI master to peripheral devices examples anywhere?
What is the preferred method (interrupt,dma,polling) and framework (CMSIS, FreeRTOS & "normal") for
a) Application code
b) Bootloader (no RTOS)
We have older boards LPC1768 based boards that also use the SST25VF080B chip but the SPI interface is much different.
I looked at the SPIFIF examples and they seem to be very user friendly but I doubt I can use them. It seems that there is only one SPIFI interface on the LPC54018 and it is connected to our quad external program flash. The code does not run from the ram but in place from the flash, so I don't think I could connect a data flash on the same interface. So I need to use the "normal" SPI interface. I need a SPI Master example for any SPI peripheral slave such as sensors that I could adapt for the external flash.
Thanks David
Hello David,
Yes, there isn't the demos. You only can refer to the SPI demo under SDK , and datasheet of sensors to write by yourself, you can use the the spi drivers under SDK.