The lpcxpresso54608_demo_apps_lwip_lwip_ping_freertos SDD example for LPC54608 work in a correct way when le code is allocated in internal FLASH. When I put the lwip library in external flash memory ( addess from 0x10000000) the example work only when the SystemCoreClock is 48 MHZ if I choose 96 MHZ or 180 MHZ the example stop working but when the code is allocated in internal memory ( from 0x0 to 80000 address ) ot works.
In my application ( very large application) I need to allocate all the code in external memory but I have a different behavior and I suppose different perfomances.
Could someone tell me something about the differences of performances between the two kind of memory?
Best Regards
Hi Giovanni
I guess this issue maybe related to the access speed of external flash.
External flash (address from 0x10000000 ) is SPI Flash interface (SPIFI), see below picture. I would suggest you try to increase the SPIFI_SCK to see whether it helps