We have a project in mcuxpresso we have been building through the IDE GUI. Currently trying to setup up the mcuxpresso ide build through command line. I found the MCUXpresso_IDE_Command_Line_User_Guide.pdf and have been reading it over.
Our current build settings for the linker (flags, optimizations, include paths, etc) are all stored in the .cproject file (This has the Eclipse CDT settings for the build). I am wondering when I build through the command line if all of those settings in the .cproject file are the ones used to build through the command line as well, or do I have to somehow use the -run tools.options to send all of those settings again to the command line tool?
Trying to simply use this command
/usr/local/mcuxpressoide/ide/mcuxpressoide -noSplash -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild -data . -cleanBuild Project/Debug -importAll .
Just trying to avoid having to reapply (copy paste) all of the build settings that are in the .cproject file into some other file so they can be used by the mcuxpresso command line tooll. Any help would be appreciated thanks.
Solved! Go to Solution.
All build attributes stored in .cproject are reused during command line builds.
MCUXpresso IDE Support
All build attributes stored in .cproject are reused during command line builds.
MCUXpresso IDE Support