Basically what Jonathan wrote in his Debian bug report also applies to MCUXpresso (11.9.0, I havent tried .1 yet):
This can be reproduced in the hello world example for any rt device (I have only tested RT1021):
Building will then fail with:
error: expected ')' before 'PRId64'
Adding the workaround of adding #include <sys/_stdint.h> before inttypes.h makes it build as explained in the bug report.described
I found the same issue to exist in both the 11.9.1 and 11.8.1 releases. As suggested in the bug report adding `#include <sys/_stdint.h>` before `#include <inttypes.h>` does seem to do the trick but this is obviously not a good long term work around.
I was testing with the pub-sub demo from
Note that Newlib/NewlibNano libraries are not under the control of the IDE. The MCUXpresso IDE bundles an unmodified form of the GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain comprising the GNU compiler and supporting runtime including newlib / newlib-nano.
Hi @stefanct,
Thanks for reporting this issue. I will relay it to the IDE team for their consideration.