frdm-k28 freertos debug tasks not listed in task-list window

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I'm using frdm-k28 and P&E opensda onboard debuger, in a freertos project, the problem is tasks listed in < debug > window, but not listed in <Task List (FreeRTOS)> window. anyone met and fixed this problem ?
The < Heap Usage (FreeRTOS) > window works as blew pic.

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Hi Erich,
In the debug console , there is the message " rtos symbels initilized "

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Hi Kevin,
that message is from the P&E debug connection which properly shows the threads in your screenshot. So P&E is working fine. What somehow does not work is the NXP Thread List in that view.
There are some debug logs of that view present in your workspace.
Can you check (or better: post) the log files present inside your workspace folder? They are located in a folder named FreeRTOS_TAD_logs?
I hope this helps,

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Hi Erich,
The log message is:
"FreeRTOS Task Aware Debugger for GDB" version 1.0.2 (201704101406)
(c) 2016 NXP Semiconductors, Inc.
21:32:43.219 INFO: [TadModel] DSF session ID 10 has started.
21:32:46.889 INFO: [TadState] TAD state changed: DEBUG_STARTED -> DEBUG_INIT_0 (SUSPENDED, USER_REQUEST)
21:32:58.251 INFO: [TadState] TAD state changed: DEBUG_INIT_0 -> DEBUG_INIT_1 (RESUMED, USER_REQUEST)
21:32:58.347 INFO: [TadState] TAD state changed: DEBUG_INIT_1 -> DEBUG_SUSPENDED (SUSPENDED, BREAKPOINT)
08:05:24.530 INFO: [TadModel] DSF session ID 10 has ended.
any help ?

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Ok, that log does not show anything interesting. Are you able to share your project so I can have a look? It might be some optimization settings or some settings, not sure.

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Hi Kevin,
thank your for that example. With this I can reproduce the problem, investigating it right now.

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Hi Kevin,
the problem is created by your app task
xTaskCreate(app, "App", 1024 * 20, NULL, uart_task_PRIORITY, NULL);
Above you are creating that task with 80 kByte (!!!) stack. This causes problem in the task view (of course it should not create that issue, so I have reported it to the developer).
If you use 4K (1024) instead of 80KByte, the problem goes away.
Can you give this a try?

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Hi Erich,
Thanks a lot for your help.
I will give it a try right now.

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Hi Kevin,
can you check what the console view shows (see Troubleshooting Tips for FreeRTOS Thread Aware Debugging in Eclipse | MCU on Eclipse ) ?