hello NXP ,
we're currently working on a project using a custom iMX RT1176 (CM7 master / CM4/ slave) with the memory map attached below , the issue is when building for release we face no problem , but when we try to run a debugging session , the CM7 loads fine but the slave core wouldn't it through a hardfault
we're not sure wether it's an memory mismatch or a debugger problem or one might suspect a flashing algorithm issue via PEmicro Multilink for flash programming
hi there @HangZhang
Thanks for the update , althought i want to believe it's a problem with debugger or flashing algorithm , i can't because i tried building and debugging with MCUxpresso version 11.6 and both cores loads correctly and i get the debugging interface and the adresses and the entry points , so the boot process is correct like you showed , with IDE v 11.9 i get this
Hi @yosri_c
Compare this image with the picture you sent.
There is no problem with the memory address, so it my be debugger problem or one might suspect a flashing algorithm issue via PEmicro Multilink for flash programming.
Hope this will help you.