I want to debug MIMXRT1050 by using JTAG. Currently, I can debug it with LPC LINK-2 by using SWD. The option to choose JTAG in Debugger options->Debug connections in MCUXpresso IDE v10.2.1_795 is disabled.
How can I enable the JTAG option or am I missing some other setting.
I'm not sure why you think JTAG is faster. In our experience where an MCU support both mechanisms for debugging operations, the opposite is generally true.
MCUXpresso IDE Support
I understand SWD is superior to JTAG but surprisingly SWD is slower on this processor compared to my earlier experience with it. It takes a while to step debug even one instruction.
Just to answer my question, do I need to blow a fuse(DAP_SJC_SWD_SEL) to enable DAP in JTAG mode?
Expecting a positive response.
Can you explain why you want to do this? Generally even when debug is possible via JTAG, using SWD is preferable.
MCUXpresso IDE Support
Debugging via JTAG is comparatively faster. Debugging using SWD takes considerable time to execute even a single instruction. And yes, I have tried disabling cache as suggested in one of the forum posts.