I would like to use the command line tools to setup a automated Jenkins build.
I used the MCUXpresso IDE Command Line User Guide Rev. 11.8.0 and tried for 2 day's to get a test build of the lpcopen examples in lpcopen_3_02_lpcxpresso_xpresso4337.zip to compile but could not get it working.
The command line user guide uses -application com.nxp.mcuxpresso.headless.application .
Searching the web i found some older threads where they used -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild and i have got that working.
I succesfully used:
/usr/local/mcuxpressoide-11.8.0_1165/ide/mcuxpressoide -nosplash --launcher.suppressErrors -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild -data /home/testbox/lpcopen/lpcopen_3_02_lpcxpresso_xpresso4337 -importAll /home/testbox/lpcopen/lpcopen_3_02_lpcxpresso_xpresso4337 -cleanBuild all
Could you give me a working command example with -application com.nxp.mcuxpresso.headless.application according the MCUXpresso IDE Command Line User Guide Rev. 11.8.0 that does the same?
Hello @Alice_Yang ,
I am afraid you don't really know your own product.
MCUXpresso is the enhanced successor of LPCXpresso and inherits almost all of the features of LPCXpresso.
See for instance: https://community.nxp.com/t5/LPCXpresso-IDE/Difference-between-MCUXpresso-LPCXpresso-and-their-free-...
LPCOpen is designed for LPCXpresso by NXP and the LPC processor line support including LPC4337 is integrated in MCUXpresso.
I already found the command -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headless in the 6,5 years old thread you also mention, but
i don't find anything about in in the MCUXpresso IDE Command Line User Guide Rev. 11.8.0.
If that is the preferred function to use on some processors or projects, i would expect it to be mentioned and preferably had the difference explained.
Is the function -application com.nxp.mcuxpresso.headless.application only for processors with external SDK or makefile projects?
Hello @n_jacobs
I think maybe because "lpcopen_3_02_lpcxpresso_xpresso4337.zip " is not development by MCUXpresso IDE, while by eclipse, so can use command
-application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headless
There is a blog from Eirch, also use the same command: