I use MCUXpresso IDE v11.6.0 [Build 8187] [2022-07-13]
Jlink V7.66
After programming with J-Link, the program cannot auto run.I need to restart the development board manually.
Thank you!
What is your MCU target?
When I click "Program flash action using SEGGER J-Link probes", it execute
it should add a command "r" before "qc", it can auto run.
Hello @FanXH,
Could you try out to wait a little bit if it runs by itself? Checking your issue, there was a situation related with the time it gets to run after program the flash of the board.
Also, could you please check out that the RESET pin of the J-Link programmer is connected to the RESET pin of the board? Are you using a custom board?
Regards, Raul
Yes, it can runs by itself after a long time, it seem 10s.